Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, George Bush's family or the St. Helens Update See Standard Disclaimer.

State Senator Betsy Johnson A little to little
A little to late On LNG

Huge LNG tanker, the same that will be coming up the Columbia River

Betsy Johnson attended a meeting in Astoria on September 18, 07. Johnson addressed the way FERC, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was approving LNG (Liquid Natural gas) facilities all across the USA. Johnson commented that the way that the process is being carried out, that the federal government is excluding the ability for the local citizenry to participate in the process. (It is well known by those who follow LNG that FERC has never turned down a final proposal, to permit to site a LNG facility in the USA.)
Johnson was frustrated by the SECRET Coast Guard report regarding safety. The report is not available to the general public, FERC feels that it is to classified for the general public to know.
I find, that this last minute hurrah on Senator Johnson's part, a little too late for the good people of Clatsop and Columbia Counties. Although Johnson addressed the sham that surrounds LNG, she has sat by for the 4 years that LNG has been a controversial issue in her districts. The issues that she raised about the secret report, and a few issues that surrounded the report that are not secret, had been addressed by me approximately 4 years ago to FERC in written form, I also believe that I has addressed the very same issues in written form to the Clatsop County Commissioners, and should be in public record.
The issues that I addressed was the fact that the Coast Guard is short on money, does not have the man power to escort LNG tankers up the river, maybe not enough vessels to properly do all their assigned tasks. The job of the Coast Guard is to protect our coastlines and rivers; they were not created to be an escort service to a private corporation.
I also addressed the fact that the sheriff dept. in either county does not have the manpower, resources, equipment nor the special training that is required to properly escort LNG tankers. I also addressed the problem of who was going to pay for these extra costs. Again, Senator Johnson. A little to late.
I hope the Senator addressed the added cost for dock security, and who would be in change of this security, which is customary, at least 48 hours in advance hidden visual armed police watches the area, divers to check the docks for bombs, security while unloading and while the vessel is docked. NOT TO LATE Senator Johnson. (This too was submitted by me for public record.)
Since LNG is labeled a terrorist target by anti terrorist czar Richard Clarke, I am reassured for the safety, security, and financial well being of the citizens of Clatsop and Columbia County. Now that State Senator Betsy Johnson has began to ask hard questions 4 years into the proposals of the numerous LNG companies. A Little To Late.
I wonder why it has taken the good senator so long to finally address a few of the important issues regarding LNG? There are many other important issue that comes along with LNG that none of our elected officials are willing to address. But numerous anti-LNG people have, I guess that others and I should be thankful that the state senator has finally came forth and made a few comments on a very important issue in her district.
But I cannot give Ms Johnson any kudos' on the subject because I feel that State Senator Betsy Johnson spoke A LITTLE TO LITTLE AND A LITTLE TO LATE on the LNG Issue.
Not only on the proposals that are in Astoria but the one that was in at Port Westward.


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