Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cat.
This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she wont' take crap off of anyone.
See Standard Disclaimer.

Our Constitution composed, established, and approved. You are now the guardians of your own liberties. We may justly address you as the decemvi did the Romans, and say: "Nothing that we propose can pass into a law without your consent. Be yourselves, O Americans, the authors of those laws on which your happiness depends."

Samuel Adams

What in the hell is happening to this country? Why are our elected officials so determined to disregard the Constitution of this great nation? Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves once again by the stupidly of our senators. The passing of the FISA bill, these collective senators is a resemblance of the same actions that took place in the 1930's by Germany and we all should know what followed. Why are you and me allowing this country to go to hell in a hand basket? With out the least mummer of defiance? I am baffled to the fact that most Americans are not out raged with the senate's approval of the FIAS bill, I am so infuriated with the direction this country is headed that I am afraid that America as it has been known in its history is lost to the younger generations and all because every one of us is letting it happen. Where has the voice of freedom and democracy gone?

The people who have fought in wars to preserve democracy and lost their lives in the battle, have they done so for not? Are we so simple minded or thoughtless that we cannot see what is happening? Can we forget or feel that the lives lost in past wars mean nothing? What have we become? A nation full of passive, thoughtless self centered brain dead shells. Freedom is not free in order to keep and secure our freedoms we must continue to fight and strive against those who would tear us apart for their own personal gain. Freedom takers are in front of you everyday on TV and the radio his name is George Bush and his followers.

Why are we allowing the president of the United States to once again be above the laws of the land? Bush has singly handedly destroyed our civil rights and we allow it, I am ashamed of my fellow Americans in their lemming personality's and careless attitudes.

I am more so ashamed of our elected officials who have taken an oath to preserve the constitution of America something that the majority has not done. If we allow our elected officials and that goes for the president as well, to get away with breaking the law than this country is no better than Russia, china, Iran or any other communist or dictatorship in the world.

I wonder what it will take for comatose Americans to wake up and demand that the constitution be reinstated in its entirety. What will it take for the democrat-controlled congress to grow some testicles and start bucking this dictatorship? Democrat's are no better than the republicans to have voted for this FISA bill, I am also very disappointed in Barrack Obama changing his mind and then changing his vote, supporting the bill. There should have been NO compromise on this bill, the senate should have held out against the Republicans and Bush until the constitution was upheld. This is just one more action by the government against the common citizen. One more step toward the end of democracy. Are you willing to let democracy fail? I certainly am not.

I hope that I am not the only person who is outraged by this issue I will be flooding the elected officials phone lines and e-mails with my out rage and opinion, and I hope you will as well. It is time that American's get up off their butts and take a stand against those individuals who are initiating the demise of this country. Hopefully before it is to late.


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