Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cat.
This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she wont' take crap off of anyone.
See Standard Disclaimer.

Jack Nicholsen is not the only one who
Flew over the Cuckoo's nest

Our elected officials used to hold public meetings in their districts to answer questions from people in their district. Well times have been a changen' lately, with the important issue of National Health Care. The Republican's have decided to disrupt these public meetings; threaten Congressman's lives and circumvent public discussion. The lies that these ignorant Republicans are putting out are so outrageous and beyond comprehension that it is hard to fathom that anyone with one once of intelligence would believe them.

Unfortunately there happens to be a small segment of down right insane people that actually believe that there is a "death Panel" to thin out the Sr. population of America. They also believe that medical treatment will be denied to old people or people with disabilities. How crazy can these Republicans be? Still angry that Obama won the presidency fair and square, they have to invent a false birth certificate to try and discredit the president, only for the purpose to cause chaos and civil turmoil between the well off and not so fortunate social classes.

The idea, that the Republicans believe that "their kind," should have health care, and a better life and to hell with everyone else has not always been the battle cry of the Republican Party since the party was formed in 1854. President Lincoln was the first successful Republican candidate. Lincoln would be ashamed of the Republican Party in what it has turned into since it's beginning.
The Republican Party opposes Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid all of which are government programs, but every Republican gladly takes Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They only oppose these programs when they apply to other people.

The Republicans support corporate welfare, corporate wages, and corporate bonus, and the elected official of the Republican party and Blue dog Democrats which is a Republican who cant get elected in a Democratic area as a Republican, receive huge campaign funds from these rich insurance companies and pharmaceuticals, all at the expense of the American people's health and pocketbook.
I suggest that these ignorant gullible self righteous Republicans fore go any and all health care that are now receiving, let them live day to day with the threat of a major medical problem, let them live with a disease that will not be treated because they do not have insurance and will probably die prematurely from the illness, all the while their rich friends receive a $10 million dollar bonus or receive a wage of $119,000.00 per hour. The only reason the Republicans are opposed to health care for all is because they will not be the recipients of huge campaign contributions from their friends in the insurance business or pharmaceutical industry.
It is shameful that the United States of America ranks 36th in industrialized nations in health care and #1 in health care costs. It is reprehensible that we have people in this day in ages that are suffering because they cannot afford simple health care. To all you Republicans you should be ashamed of yourselves, you are the reason that children are going with out seeing or hearing, research is not being done to help treat Parkinson disease, Lou Gregg disease and spinal injuries etc.

what a compassionate bunch of folks you are. Republican George Bush use to say, you are the party of Compassionate Conservatives. If you are the example of compassion, I would hate to see what uncompassionate Republicans are.


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