Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra

Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson,Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cat.
This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

See Standard Disclaimer.

Mr. Braud you are not the
"Law West of the Pecos

I recently had the opportunity to read the e-mail that Robert Braud circulated to some of the other people who were in favor of the "New City Charter" In the letter Mr. Braud had the audacity to mention that he would take care of the opposition with his Army issued .45. Since the New Charter failed to pass with voter's approval the .45 would do nicely.

I personally do not know Mr. Braud, but I find his e-mail remarks troubling and simply ignorant. This grievous e-mail was sent to one other councilman, who was in favor of adopting the New City Charter. Since he was in favor of the new charter that was the reason he sat idly by and did nothing. I understand that Mr. Braud is on the Columbia River Fire and Rescue Board, is he the kind of an individual that we want sitting on our boards in the community? I would hope not.

The group who sponsored the New City Charter is sending this message to everyone, if you do not agree with them on an issue, just threaten your opposition with a Army issue 45, this seems to be the ideology of these few power hungry individuals.

The message the voters gave the New City Charter group was obvious by the huge percentage difference at the polls, the citizens of the city want to keep the Old Charter. Why are these people so hell bent on getting rid of the Old charter? What are they going to gain by adopting their new and improved charter? One reason is to get their hand picked people in place, and a city manager who makes all decisions and does not have to answer to the councilmen. Truly not what we would understand as a democracy.

Certain individuals in this group have been on a witch-hunt against City Councilmen Barlow before, and their hostile actions are getting more and more blatant against him. In my opinion this group of good ole boys, who are corrupt and power hungry have no place in our government. In order to have a good working government we need people with new ideas and people who will stand up against bullies like Braud and his ilk. Phil Barlow has done this time and time again and makes him a roadblock that needs to be removed.

Skip Baker should stay retired; mayor Peterson should do the decent thing, and not run for one more term, in fact he should step down for his shameful involvement with Brauds conspiracy to take out a city councilmen. Judge Roy Bean's Wild West has long been gone from our midst and it is no longer acceptable in civilized society Mr. Braud. No longer is it ok to shoot someone because you simply want to.

As mentioned earlier, Mr. Braud sits on the Columbia River Fire and Rescue board, I hope the board asks Mr. Braud to step-down, his irrational behavior and decision making is not fitting for a department that was created to save lives not take them.

While some people believe the actions of Braud, Skip Baker, and mayor Randy Peterson, along with others, are just political sour grapes. I feel their actions are far more sinister than sour grapes. This group of individuals would like to take the people's voice and vote away in deciding the future of St. Helens and leave the fate of their city to a selected few hand picked individuals where there would be no recourse for the average citizen.


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