Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra

Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cat. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

See Standard Disclaimer.

The Republicans in the House voted to reject a bill that would extend unemployment benefits to those working class Americans who have been unemployed for long periods of time due to the depression. The reason the republicans voted against the extension cited that they were concerned about the mounting national debt.

Senate leaders will once again attempt to pass the bill this week.
If the bill fails more than 200,000 working people a week will slowly lose their benefits, more than a million out of work Americans have already lost benefits at the end of May because of extensions that have expired.

Working people depend on benefits to get them through the hard times when they are laid off from their jobs.

The measure would provide up to 99 weekly unemployment checks averaging $335 per week to people whose 26 weeks of state-paid benefits have run out. The benefits would have continued through the end of November, at a cost of $33.9 billion. There were no offsets in the bill, the cost would have added to the budget deficit.

The Republicans have had no problem in financing a Bush/ Chaney moneymaking attack on Iraq, which has put us into the largest debt in history, after they were given a huge surplus. The republicans have had no problem in giving corporate America huge tax breaks, allowed corporations to move out of America taking away US workers jobs, the banking industry is at fault as well, so I guess why would any body expect the republican's to vote for any bill that would help the average American.

I support the bill that would extend unemployment benefits to the working class of America, and I think corporate America and the banking industry should be charged the bill, since they are the ones at fault for the jobless rate in America.


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