Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

See Standard Disclaimer.

I fought for my country
Some gave the ultimate sacrifice
American's have worked hard only to have everything taken from us
By selfish people, and greedy corporations
Where are you Mr. President?
Where is America when so many need her?

I will have to come clean, I was an Obama supporter in the general election, thinking anything is better than a republican as crazy as senile John McCain and dimwit Alaskan governor Sarah Palin. I still believe that in that instance I had made the right choice. But I am now wondering if I should have voted for Hilary Clinton in the primary. President Obama has been a disappointment for many in his base. I am disappointed for his lack of purpose and strength regarding his personal inability to fight for the poor and middle class people in America. Instead he has shown that he is the best republican president that America has had in a long time.

He continues to give the republicans everything they want and more in all issues regarding the economy, debt and the budget of this great nation.
His attitude to compromise rather than stand his ground against the republicans who have run this country in to a black hole, because of their greed and the turn of events has cost the middleclass their homes, jobs, pensions and what little savings that they have.

Their attack on social programs will be the final nail in many of the poor and elderly Americans coffin. Every time an issue of great importance comes before President Obama that results in a stand off between the democrats and the republicans I had hope that he would now become the "man" that we had voted for, a man who had talked about hope for America, but every time I have been gravely disappointed with president Obama's actions.

I strongly believe that America is in a terrible spot and it will take years to overcome our situation, I guess I am not a pessimist, I believe that America will bounce back, with a strong resolve and Americans will show that they are tired of Washington politics and will vote for many new people in the next election, right now if I were in Congress I would be a little worried, with 82% disapproval by Americans they should start packing their luggage and buy a plane ticket home.

If president Obama wants to get America back on the right path he must raise the taxes on the rich, he must implement a plan to rebuild AMERICA by bringing America up to speed with other countries around the world. Mass transit; fix bridges, highways, buildings, water, sewer lines etc.

This kind of thinking brought America out of the depression and it would work again if president Obama would take the lead and start these programs. Millions of Americans are waiting for a leader who will take the reins stand up against the corporate bastards and life sucking republicans an get America back to work so the economy will recover and be strong, get America's AAA rating back, and become the leader of the free world once again.

The democratic party needs to fight for Americas people, stop the nicey nice talk and start getting down in the trenches and rolling in the mud, start telling the republicans and corporate assholes how it is going to be. If they want a fight lets take it tooe'm.

Maybe Americans need to march on Washington and camp out in front of the Whitehouse and Congress until Obama stands up and takes charge. By damn we are America and we need to take America back, WE The People.

As Obama once said "Yes We Can"
Instead of talking about it
Lets Do It!


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