Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

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Unions made the middleclass

There are many in the Congress that is blaming the unions for our economic woes. The Republicans are the leaders of such an assault. I would like to see the documentation that shows where nurses, ironworkers, pipe fitters or government workers to name a few have cause the economic downturn and near depression era that we are now in.

The working men and women of union trades are not the people that ask for or were given tax loop holes that resulted in insufficient funding for our government coffers, nor were they the people who pushed for lax safety laws to protect corporations and their greedy friends. Union people were not the ones who fraud financial institutions, offered flawed loans or bailed out banks so the CEO's could receive $100 million in bonuses each year.

Republicans and rats have often said that unions have pushed the envelope for their members asking for far too much in benefits and wages. Let me tell you this, union tradesmen are a highly skilled labor force, and deserve every penny that they make, a skilled journeymen can save a company thousands in a faster production rate and work performance in less do over's verses a non union un skilled worker. Unions train their members for the job at the unions expense and not the taxpayers expense through their union apprentice programs

Anti union people accuse unions for not being democratic, that is pure hogwash, the unions have regular elections and any member can run for office where as not the same for a boardroom.
Every worker has the right to collective bargaining, when two opposing side come together with demands it is only logical that through bargaining both sides win some concessions and then everyone is happy where as with out collective bargaining the corporation rules the roost and production is less productive because the worker are not happy.

Non-union work places benefit from unions because some employers treat their workers better because they do not want them to bring in a union;

Republicans would like to break the unions, because the unions have fought against unfair labor practices, forced corporations to pay for fair wages, treatment of workers and that means a bit less profit for the company

Unions have brought to you the 40-hour workweek, health care for millions, a fair wage scale, worker safety, and pollution laws, family wages, leave etc. and a fair wage and equal wage for women. Unions stand up for the down trodden and support average workers rights, something that republicans would never do because their loyalty belongs to corporate America.

Everyone in America owes unions a thank you for the working conditions we have today and for the standard of living that we all enjoy.


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