Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

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Birth Control

The Republicans are now attacking birth control for women in order to try and stop "Obama care." Idaho, Missouri and Arizona are now going beyond the religious sect and are expanding their ridiculous dribble and their form of controlling a woman's body and individual rights. They are aiming at the secular insurers and private business that are against birth control, abortion or sterilization. Their effort is a move to try and bring more fodder to fight the president's health care plan by infuriating the crazy religious people.

The republicans claim that Obamas health care plan is an affront to their religious freedoms. The statement was from a republican, Idaho Republican Rep. Carlos Bilbao. What a bunch of hog wash; how does offering birth control to a women affront his religious freedoms?, just because the plan states that you have to cover birth control for women does not mean that every woman will use that portion of the plan, but I strongly believe that it should be there if a woman wants it.

I believe that all women must be given the CHOICE to determine what is the correct medical treatment individually that fits each person's direction in their life. No way should a man or a group of men be the ones that tell a woman what type of birth control she can or cannot use and that includes abortion. The republican men need to keep their nose out of the vaginas of American women. We live in a free society with certain individual rights and that includes rights for women, whether these backward men approve or not.

The republicans are not stopping vasectomies on men and I believe anyone would agree that vasectomies are a form of birth control. And yet these controlling men want to stop birth control on women, these men are repulsive and nothing more than left overs from the dark ages.
How dare religious republicans impose their religious beliefs on millions of women across America. How dare they discriminate against millions of women across America in order to try and control them. You have the Catholic Church behind the republican efforts in stopping birth control for women, funny this comes from a religious group who ignores child molestation of young boys from their filthy damn priests, this is where castration would come in handy and then a lethal injection. The Catholic Church needs to mind their own business, and clean up their problems within the church. They do not have the right to try and push their moral beliefs on to anyone; by their track record they have no morals.

Obama softened the rule on birth control in insurance for employees and stated that the insurance company would pay for the birth control and not the employers and this still did not satisfy the religious zealots. Even though the majority of people who work for religious institutions do not agree with the institutions take on the birth control issue and side with the president. For example a poll was taken with in the Catholic Church on the birth control issue and 98% of the women used some form of birth control. Two thirds of Catholics believe that you can still be a good catholic even if you use birth control. The only reason the Catholics are against birth control is because it reduces their flock and when the flock is reduced then that means less money in the coffers of the Popes pocket. This issue is all about control and money nothing else.

The religious right argue that they should not have to pay for birth control because they do not believe in it, well many women and men do not believe that we should pay for Viagra either but that drug has been provided for men since it came out on the market, while insurance companies refused to pay for well-baby care or birth control. These same ignorant men believe it is ok to fornicate with the help of a pill, produce a child and then not supply the infant with essential health care, and then repeat this again and again without the simplest consideration for the woman or the children they produce. Their ignorance is far beyond the realm of modern thinking

Women all across America should rally together and stand up against these nut jobs called men and demand birth control for women. Then they should rally against providing Viagra for men being paid for by working women who pay into the healthcare system or insurance company, you ignorant men need to be slapped down once and for all.

We are supposed to be in the Modern Age, and yet women are still under the control of power hungry self-serving domineering impotent men who are dictating what a women's basic health care can be. The only way these men can be this powerful is because women have let them be, it is time that women take up the fight again as our sisters before us had to do, to insure that every woman has the same and equal rights as a man.


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