Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, President Obama, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

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Coffee With Our County Commissioners

Have you seen the ad in the local newspaper Coffee with the County Commissioners? On Fridays at a local bakery you can meet with the count y commissioners for one whole hour and discuss your concerns with them.  They took my suggestion and decided to have a coffee meet and greet with the public. Although I would have held the meet and greet for a longer period of time. I guess one hour is better than no time at all and it gives the commissioners wiggle room to evade fully answering the public's questions and concerns.

I would suggest if you are still wondering about the law suit over the hospital debacle that you might consider attending the meet and greet and ask your three commissioners these simple questions.

Why they conspired with the old board, the City of St. Helens to steal your tax money, transfer funds and property one day before the new board took office to a private foundation, withheld funds that were the property of the new board. Withheld public records and correspondence from the new board and finally why they will not agree to mediate the lawsuit with the current CHD board, so the current board and their trustees could consider and possibly accept a legitimate offer on the property on Millard Rd. which would allow the current board to credit you the taxpayers back the millions of dollars that the property was valued at.

Seems to me, if the commissioners really cared about the taxpayers in the health district they would be doing everything possible to work with the current board and their trustees to sell the property and do what is right and what the taxpayers wanted done in the first place.

The commissioners need to explain the $33 million 15 year tax abatement given to PGE for 1-2 steady jobs. The county budget is short a little over $2 million, the same amount of the tax abatement. I think the money would be better used for the people of Columbia County verses PGE and payments to their stock holders. PGE was going to build phase two of the generating facility anyway. It was on the books for several years to replace the closing of the coal fired Boardman plant. I can see no legitimate reason to continue to bankroll wealthy corporations while our citizens in Columbia County foot the bill and receive nothing in return.


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