Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, President Obama, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

See Standard Disclaimer.

Keep Oregon Green

Ambre Energy which is based out of Brisbane Australia is in financial trouble. They are having problems in Queensland Australia; the company has been rejected to mine the states fertile farming area of Darling Downs. The company has filed information from its corporate records that show the company has lost $24 million dollars last year. And there are concerns that the company will not continue to be a viable company without raising substantial funds. Ambre eyes banks for a $100 million.

Near the city of Toowoomba in the Felton Valley located in southeast Queensland was the company's only project in Australia. There was a proposal for a coalmine and the coal to liquid plant. The company does own two thirds share in a small port located in the United States in the state of Washington and they also own a half share in two coal mines in the United States.

Ambre Energy was started in 2005, like all resource companies buying shares is a very risky venture. And like most mining companies the first few years are usually run on losses, although the companies own auditor says that unless the company receives funds the company would deplete its cash. Which would again make the company questionable if it could survive or not.

The company was going to list stock on the ASX, but because the government and the out raged farmers put a stop to the companies mining in the Felton Valley. Listing stock on the ASX would not happen. The refusal on the Felton Valley proposal cost Ambre energy billions, but saved farmers their lively hoods and saved the destruction of valuable irreplaceable farmland from the grasp of a greedy mining company who cares nothing about destroying valuable farmland.

While Ambre Energy tries to gain traction in coal exporting facilities in the US, internal documents show that Ambre energy out right lied to officials in Washington State about their expansion plans.

Ambre told local authorities that they were planning to export 5.7 million tons of coal each year when in fact they were planning to export 10X's that amount, making the Washington site one of the largest coal export facilities in the United States. Fortunately Ambre has dropped the proposal but unfortunately they have zeroed in on Oregon to export out of Port Westward.

Ambre's troubles are not over they have a law suit filed against them by Cloud Peak mines which Ambre is a co-owner of the Decker mine located in Montana, Cloud peak wants to kick Ambre out of their manager position and in turn Ambre has filed a counter suit against Cloud Peak which would if won end their joint venture.

Cloud peak says that Ambre planned to mine outside their joint management area. While Ambre claims that Cloud peak has a conflict of interest because they own a nearby coal mine that competes with the Decker mine. The Decker mine is scheduled to cease operation in 2013 when all the contracts are finalized.

Ambre Energy's problems has just begun, they will now have to face an opposition of informed and highly motivated anti- coal people. Ambre has decided to venture into an area of Oregon and Washington where the people like their green way of life, their clean environment and do not like corporate bullies. The many people and environmental groups which Ambre will do battle with are veterans in this game of stopping corporate bullies and environmental rapists. While many people are new to this kind of battle they too are willing to fight against coal, and the exporting of coal to overseas.

People are aware of what fossil fuels do to the environment, and their health. People understand what China does environmentally does affect other parts of the world. The people along the Columbia River of Oregon and Washington and the Willamette Valley know better and they deserve better than allowing coal in our communities or to come through our communities.

The people of Columbia County do not need another sales pitch from carpetbaggers, we have had far too many failing companies that have come in and promised us the moon and left a super fund clean-up site, which we the taxpayers have to pay for.

Please join  those who are against coal coming into Columbia County, write letters to the editor and call your port commissioners and county commissioners and all other elected officials, state and federal as well.


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