Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, President Obama, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

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Justice for All?

I was involved with court proceedings today February 25, 2013. The case before the court was matters involving the theft of the taxpayer's assets in the health district. The current health district board is fighting along with their pro-bono attorney to get the taxpayers property /assets sold and refunded back to the taxpayers.

Unfortunately Judge Grove decided that he did not care that the old board, the county commissioners and the city of St. Helens conspired to and did steal the taxpayer's assets. Grove did not care that the current board was given wrong advice from a SDAO attorney, Grove did not care that the current board rescinded a former decision that was made because of the wrong advice from the SDAO attorney even though it was done so in and under the allotted time frame declared by law.

He did not care that people outside the city paid into this district and should not be expected to provide a wind fall to the city of St. Helens. Or people in other cities tax dollars benefiting a city other than their own.

These people should do the right thing and sell the property and credit the taxpayers back their money instead of committing theft against the people in the special district.

Simply, the judge did not care about much regarding the current boards attempt to honor the taxpayers and voters mandate. The only thing he did care about was the fact that the taxpayers did vote to dissolve the district, although there was no dissolution plan available for the voters to read. So the voters did not know exactly what they were voting on. He did not care that the old board appointed the county commissioners as trustees before the dissolution vote where as they were trying to do health district business while there was a duly elected board that was elected to do health district business.

The judge did not care that the county commissioners with held over $60,000.00 from the current board and left the board unable to procure legal advice and was unable to stop the pre-ordained decisions by the old board and their accomplices.
What was really interesting is that the judge made his decision before the court hearing. I find that a little bit odd, but here in good ole Columbia County anything can happen and what may be odd or irregular in other places is common practice here in our fair community.

I can assure the taxpayers that we will not allow this imprudent decision to hold. We will be appealing this case to the court of appeals where we will have a good chance to have this foolish decision over turned. Where a case can be heard and decided on its merits instead of its political connections.

In my opinion I believe that judge Grove wanted to get this political hot potato out of his courtroom and passed off to someone else. It is too bad that there is no one that is willing to do what is right and up hold the mandate of the voters in our court system. I was always taught that we lived in a democracy and that there was justice for all. There is truth to this, as long as you have enough money to have your day in court and as long as you have the right political connections you will have justice done. If not don't expect too much that way you won't be disappointed.


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