North American Free Trade Agreement

It has taken many years for a good percentage of Americans to realize that the North American Trade Agreement made by the people that they have elected has done nothing but devastated the economy and has allowed the loss of millions of American jobs. Even though the majority of Americans are against the trade practices and want them stopped and removed. The problem is both parties have deaf ears to the majority of the people and have carried on with these disastrous trade practices because many of these elected officials benefit financially from these agreements.

The strongest backers of 'free trade' are the Chamber of Commerce and multinational corporations which sent tens of thousands of jobs overseas and built a lucrative business helping others do the same. "The Chamber of Commerce is anti-union, anti-worker, and anti- middleclass and supports anything associated with corporate America making more profits at any cost because they are corporate America.

The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans when it comes to passing new trade agreements.  These agreements are passed deliberately without public scrutiny and without media coverage. While Americans lose more jobs and the economy is in the toilet, causing middleclass wages to fall again and again, while the middleclass dwindles into obscurity. Both parties promise a better future for the next generation of Americans while they make these agreements that will undoubtedly cost more American jobs to foreign countries. All the while knowing exactly what they are doing because those people in Washington D.C. will personally make millions from their little deals.

I am sick of both parties and the corruption that is running our country and the people that we elect. The poor or average person does not stand a chance with these crooks making policy that is beneficial only to them. I place a lot of the blame on us the people because we have allowed the crooks to get away with selling us and our country out while we sit on our couches and watch Snookey or the Bachelor. Being too lazy to get involved and be heard. Shame on us.


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