The Business of The Port

When trying to procure ConnectOregon funds for a dock at Port Westward, the Port of St. Helens committed fraud on the grant application. Port administrator Patrick Trapp repeatedly lied to Ms. Mater- the chair of the ConnectOregon program. When asked if the port had all the requirements met such as matching funds from Ambre Energy and appropriate permits from the Division of State Lands -Trapp assured Ms. Mater all was in place. When asked to produce the documents Trapp could not - these documents did not exist.

Only after being caught Trapp tried to finagle his way out of his fraudulent situation by stating "the port could do
bonds to get the matching funds-which were needed at the beginning not after the fact. The port commissioners are just as guilty by condoning Trapps' actions. Port commissioner Robert Keyser stated in an e-mail after being asked about this situation. quote "I also have found Pat Trapp to be a man of the highest ethical standard of anyone I have ever known and strongly support him in his position." end quote.'' In the same e-mail Keyser also supports the firing of Ms. Mater. These statements made by port chair and spokesperson Robert Keyser affirms why the public is suspicious of the port.

Just as Kaa the python from the Jungle Book hissed "trust me" as he tried to strangle Mowgli. Trustworthiness is not an attribute that comes to mind when dealing with the Port of St. Helens.

Ms. Mater was fired from her position as chair of the Connect Oregon program by Governor Kitzhaber because she voted 'no on the ports fraudulent application' and refused to give in to political pressure and who followed the rules that are in place by ConnectOregon.

We should all applaud and back Ms. Mater's attempt to stop back door dealings and expose the fraud in ConnectOregon- she is a breath of fresh air with her honesty, and integrity. No one should be fired from a position for doing their job, by demanding honesty in any permitting process. We need to phone, email or attend the next ConnectOregon decision making event and urge the board to vote No on the re-vote for the Port of St. Helens fraudulent application.

Senator Betsy Johnson is the vice chair of the Ways and Means, co-chair of the Transportation & Economic Development Subcommittee of Ways & Means, member of the General Government Subcommittee of Ways & Means, the Economic & Community Development Commission and member of the Legislative Administration Committee. . Governor Kitzhaber needs Johnson's support to receive the funds for his infrastructure package. I believe each of you can put the pieces together on your own.


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