Tammy's Take
Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, or the St. Helens Update See Standard Disclaimer.

Between the Port of St. Helens, Columbia County, REDCO,
and the City of Rainier.
Charge it to the taxpayer they won't have a clue where their money is going!!

I attended a meeting on December 22, 05 of the Columbia County Vector Control Agency. I had been told that members of REDCO (Rainier Economical Development Commission Organization had contacted the Vector Control seeking money. Evidently they wanted money to payback a loan from USG to buy the property, which the plant is now located on. REDCO borrowed the money to purchase the property then they sold it to USG. Confusing huh? REDCO is now asking several other Special districts to help pay off this loan.
I thought that this may have been a vicious rumor but decided to find out for myself. I asked the vector board if this was true and surprisingly enough the information that I was given was correct. I asked the board a few questions, which they so graciously answered.
I found out that the Vector Control District was asked to give up 40% of their annual tax revenue's to REDCO. After some discussion the board voted to give away their 40% to REDCO. I guess that Vector Control District felt that they could do their job of protecting the citizen of Columbia County from the onslaught of the West Nile Virus with a 40% reduction of money. It was not that long ago that Vector Control Dist. came before the taxpayers asking for an increase in revenue.  They stated that they could not do their job at the current rate. Has something changed so that they can now do their job with less money for the next 3-4 years?
I proceeded to explain to the board that I felt that REDCO's problems were REDCO's problems, since REDCO was formed by the Rainier

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