Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra

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Image result for is oregon in fire season early

Let’s Not Repeat The Fires of 2018


An Early Fire Season


Oregon is again in an early fire season, this will certainly be a daunting time for most of Oregon with the vast timber forests Oregon, which could be accidently ignited by thunderstorms or by careless humans.

After a dry March, April became much wetter as Pacific weather fronts moved into the region bringing ample moisture through much of the month. Rainfall totals were well above average for most of the geographic area excepting sections of western Washington and northwestern Oregon. Snow continued to accumulate at higher elevations, most successfully in Oregon where snow accumulation remains above average for late April. Snowfall accumulation in Washington is below average. Temperatures were above average for April in the geographic area causing a rapid snow melt.

Outlooks through spring and into summer continue to indicate warmer than average conditions for the region. Precipitation is most likely to remain below average west of the Cascades as well. The fires which wiped out huge amounts of Oregon’s forests in the last several years, has contributed to the fast snow melt and would adversely affect the summer runoff and help add to the dry conditions, without the trees and their limbs helping shelter the snow from the sun it will continue to add to the dry conditions for many years.

Long-range outlooks suggest fire danger will rise to be above average in during the summer, chiefly west of the Cascades where outlooks suggest a warmer than average summer. Fire season will likely begin sooner than usual in June for areas west of the Cascades and then spread southward in July and August. Areas across northern Washington also appear at risk for more large fires than usual due to persistent dryness. Again human factor will contribute to the hazard of Pacific Northwest Wildfires. As of today the land is dry.

Fire activity has been minimal in April and will likely continue to be so in early May. But, if drying continues due to warmth in May, western Washington appears to be at risk for possible burn escapes during dry, windy conditions. Large fire risk is expected to become higher than average and spread to Oregon and central Washington as the summer progresses.

I hope humans will be careful and mindful of our dry weather conditions again this summer and fall and act accordingly. But like usual there will be an idiot who will set off fireworks and burn half the country down. Or, a careless camper who just has to have a needless fire and accidently sets off a terrible fire, which costs millions of dollars, costs lives, and everything some people have and killing countless deer, elk, birds etc.

Please be careful, and mindful of what you are doing. Keep out of the woods when it is hot and dry.




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