Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra

Tammy’s views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy’s neighbors, Wayne Mayo, Betsy Johnson, Brad Witt, President Trump, Henry Heimuller, VP Pence, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia’s dog, or Claudia Eagle’s Cats. This Tammy’s Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or even reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she refuses to be bullied by anyone.

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By Tammy Maygra


What do you want in a county commissioner? Do you want an individual who represents a small portion of the community? Do you want someone who cannot get along with their staff at the county? How about a person who sling’s racial slurs? And denies it, even with documented accounts from several folks. An individual who does not respect other workers, and other staff and department heads? How about an individual who claims that everything and everybody for the last twenty years did nothing but screw up the county that is until he came along. If you would like a county commissioner who got banned from the jail because they could not follow simple safety rules and then lied about it.

If you want a county commissioner who claims everyone else are liars, and that numerous people are out to get him. Or how about a man who claims that a department head who had worked at the county for decades did not know his job and did not do it right. Or had to have mediation numerous times and could not even get through mediation without being chastised. WOW! If you think a person who has had numerous complaints and grievances filed against him, and has a personal file full of issues, pages that are as long as War and Peace then you have your man.

This year you have a chance to vote for just this person if you agree with the above statement. If you like these qualities about this candidate who could become county commissioner then vote Casey Garrett.

I find it alarming that Mr. Garrett who is fairly new to public service knows everything better than people who were hired for their positions with qualifications while Garrett was still in pampers. I bet his arm is sore from patting himself on the back. His attitude is pompous, self -righteous, and know it all and he gets his way by over talking other people, and placing his failures on the backs of co-workers.

Garrett has been at the county for approximately 6 years, he claims he took the job of less wages because money means nothing to him, yet—he was angry because he did not get good reviews and did not receive his scheduled pay increases and probation periods were extended. He actually said he needed the increase in his wages because of his family and then said they had to redirect their lifestyle which they had been accustomed too. This guy has some honesty issues in my opinion.

His idea to take Camp Wilkerson and get rid of the horse trails, which the horse people actually built, and replace the trails with motocross should raise an alarm. Wilkerson was not established to be a  motocross destination. Wilkerson was built for trails for hiking, walking, biking and then riding horses. And weddings, and kid events. Where people can enjoy nature and the peace and quiet. Not the loud scream of motorcycles.

I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Garrett  a week or so ago, was I impressed? not really, I will say Mr. Garrett was amiable to me as I was to him, but I could feel his agitation of being asked questions and put on the spot directly to answer questions from his personal file which he blamed everyone else for or called their testimony as false. HMMMM not everyone is a liar….

I personally cannot vote for him for county commissioner, not on the merits of is attitude and racial slurs. I will say though that he has done some good things for the county that he knows about contract work, construction etc as that is what he did in the private realm, which saved the county a lot of money. Unfortunately his issues over shadow his accomplishments.

When it comes to county commissioners, they have to get along with many different people within the community, dept. heads, co-workers staff and CEO’s who might want to come here and other commissioners county, state regional, and with elected congressmen and women and state and federal senators. Is this the type of person who can achieve this I don’t believe so.

 Please read this un-redacted file.. https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aj6tuWRG8opBhBsGwb7gOqJyMRxS?e=uUdQyo 

 Kohi radio show https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aj6tuWRG8opBhBko2_jItO064Nfp?e=efdpxL

 By the way there are some people saying that Alex Tardiff gave me these files ABSOLUTLY FALSE!!!

I did the public records request on my own, Tardiff had nothing to do with my actions then or now. When I received the redacted file I wrote an appeal for the complete file, it was sent to the DA in Portland by our DA, because our DA had family members who donated to Alex Tardiff’s campaign and he wanted to make sure no one could try and say that the decision was political.

 I requested the file because I wanted to know if the rumors around town was true about his racial slurs, and they were found to be true. I felt the voters in the county should have the information so they could cast their vote according to the way they feel.











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