Please note that the TOP 10 is normally not  written by Bill Eagle (unless his name is attached) nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of Bill Eagle, his wife, children, pastor, pets, real or past friends (assuming that he has any at all).

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Top 10 Ways To Say “No”

From: From Paddy’s Joke List


10. I’d love to, but… I have to floss my cat.


9. I’d love to, but...I want to spend more time with my blender. 


8.  I’d love to, but… The President said he might drop in


7. I’d love to, but… I’m scheduled for a Karma transplant.


6. I’d love to, but...The man on TV said to “stay tuned.”



5. I’d love to, but.. I did my own thing and no I’ve got to undo it.



4.  I’d love to, but … I’m staying home to work on my cottage cheese sculpture.


3. I’d love to, but … I’ enrolled in aerobic scream therapy.


2. I’d love to, but … There is a disturbance in the force.


1. I’d love to, but … I’m going door to door collecting static cling.