Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra

Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

See Standard Disclaimer.

Historic Old town where time stands still.

If old town wants tourist business, maybe the city could have a huge sculpture and sign on Hwy 30, directing people down town, (sparking the interest of passer Byers as well) along the way there could be historic looking sculptures pointing the way, depicting our history, until people get down town and then they could have a group sculpture near the plaza with the huge spewing fountain with areas to sit and sip drinks and eat food from local eateries. On the waterfront they could incorporate the Indian people trading with settlers, as you walk on along the parkway the sculptures could become a little more modern to about the 1900's.

The city of St Helens have decided to demolish their exquisite volcano which was meant to attract people to the historic down town area. The city has accomplished their goal in attracting people all right; people have driven from miles around to look at the monstrosity. Everyone needs a good laugh now and again. That is until they learn just how much money Skippy's little project cost. City manager Chad Olsen admitted that the volcano was not well received but also made a comment that the committee had good intentions and tried to have a good concept. Look here Chad don't blame the committee, place the blame where it belongs and the blame belongs too two people and that is you and your buddy Skip Baker.

I read in the newspaper that Skippy Baker was the person who decided on the volcano and was the person who set things in motion, getting a grant for $14,000.00 to have the "thing" constructed. So I think Skippy should get most all the credit for the structure, after all, give credit where credit is due. I also understand that the City will be responsible for the removal or the renovation of Mt. Baker. Either way the taxpayers will be burdened with the cost. I guess easy come easy go when you are pissing away other people's money.

Chad Olsen said that the city was responsible for a little under 10% of the cost, don't be an idiot Chad, a government entity grant is taxpayer dollars, it does not matter where the grant comes from it is funded by you and me, out of our taxes, so Chadwick I would say the taxpayers have completely funded the boondoggle. Chad do you really believe that the citizens in the city and county are ignorant to where grant money comes from. And now because the volcano project was not thought out appropriately it will now cost the taxpayers even more dollars.
After this mess, I can hardly wait until the sailing ship comes in on the high tide.


I know my idea of sculptures placed along Columbia BLVD. to Old Town would cost money, but after all Rome was not built in a day. This project would take several years but would be pleasant to the eye and would hook the interest of people following the path of settlers to the down town area. This is something the city could market easily and extensive. After getting downtown, there needs to be events that would draw people and keep them there all day. An exhibit hall, where quality exhibits are contracted in and change monthly in the old John Gumm School. Get a glass blower, or art exhibits etc. Think tasteful people, not trashy.

After spending $14,000.00 + on an ugly volcano, thousands of $$$ on paper art that went away with the rain, there was a good start to tasteful long lasting sculptures.

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